Young girl honors family killed in crash with random acts of kindness

She lost both her parents and sister in a car crash six years ago.As the anniversary of the crash approaches, 14-year-old Diana Jo Jarman, who goes by Joie, is asking people to do something: a random act of kindness.She was only 8 years old when she endured tremendous loss. “The first few years were pretty hard,” she said, “but after a while I just kind of got used to the idea and it wasn’t that sad to me anymore.On Aug. 18, 2007, the family — Nick Weaver, 28, Ruth Weaver, 30, and their daughters Joie and 2-year-old Audrey — was on its way to a family reunion in Idaho. Close to the Idaho border on I-84, their pickup blew a tire, jumped the median and collided head-on with a semitrailer.The parents and Audrey Weaver were killed, while Joie was injured.A couple who saw the crash rushed to offer aid. They helped the little girl. When somebody thought the truck would explode, they moved her to their car and covered bodies with blankets.“They protected her from a lot of devastation. They had girls the same age and were able to comfort her in a way, they understood what her needs were,” said Mary Jarman, the teen’s aunt.

Young girl honors family killed in crash with random acts of kindness