Indiana Univ. Little 500 cyclist seriously injured in bike crash

An Indiana University nursing student and Little 500 cyclist was seriously injured when her bike crashed during a practice race on Thursday.

According to Indiana University Spokesperson Mark Land, 23-year-old Lauren Gill and her teammates attended the Little 500 women’s practice race on Thursday. The team of four is representing IU Nursing in the 100-lap race.

Land said Gill and her teammates were three or four laps into the 25-lap practice race when a cyclist in front of Gill hit her brakes, causing Gill to fall over the front of her bike and hit her head and shoulders.

Land says others immediately ran to help her. An ambulance was on scene within five minutes.

Gill was taken to IU Health Bloomington and later flown to IU Health Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. Land said at last check, in the middle of the night Friday, Gill was listed in critical condition.

Land said Gill, a senior at IU, was wearing a helmet, which is required of all riders.

Indiana Univ. Little 500 cyclist seriously injured in bike crash