Chesterfield, VA : SUV crashes into Hopkins Road business in Chesterfield on Wednesday afternoon, October 22, 2014

SUV has crashed into a business along Hopkins Road in Chesterfield. The incident happened Wednesday afternoon at Adams Automotive in the 8400 block of Hopkins Road. There is no word yet about anyone injured in the crash. Witnesses say it happened around noon. A toddler inside the SUV parked at the gas station across the street from Adams Automotive managed to get out of her car seat while her mother was getting gas, and get behind the wheel. Tony Price of Adams Automotive said, "A lady went to buy gas, pay gas on a street at Spencer's MARKET and her 2-year-old daughter let herself out of her car seat, got up and dropped the vehicle in neutral, and it rolled across the street and down the hill and ended up in our shop." Fire officials couldn't comment on who was driving but say they did respond to the scene to check on the toddler, who was OK. Source : SUV crashes into Hopkins Road business in Chesterfield

Chesterfield, VA : SUV crashes into Hopkins Road business in Chesterfield on Wednesday afternoon, October 22, 2014